Sunday, 27 October 2013


This post is a catch up of all the photos of Miriam I've taken since starting this blog that are wonderful to look at (mom opinion) but don't really fit into the story I'm trying to tell in each blog post. Hopefully you'll get an opportunity to know Miri's personality a bit better. She's pretty awesome.
She's no longer a passive passenger. When in the stroller, she likes to sit right up and look around.
Unless she's tired.
She's mastered stair climbing and is happy to do it all day long. She'll climb to the top of the stairs and clap her hands in celebration each time. She used to clap on each stair. So proud of herself.
She feeds herself and prefers it that way. She'll spit if you try to help her.
She loves the shoe closet and my rubber boots are her favourite.
She's happiest walking and as I've mentioned before she'll use anything to help her along. 
She does this cute thing where she uses her fingers while humming to make a cute sound. Georgina used to do it too.
She's super happy
Until she's not.
She loves cuddles.
And knives.
And looking out the front window.
 And sleeping in mommy's bed.
She is one cool little baby. 

A note: It looks like most of the photos were all taken on the same day due to her being in the same outfit in each. But that's not necessarily the case. It's just my favourite thing to dress her in so she wears it all the time.

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