Thursday, 14 November 2013

Aedia's Fourth Birthday Party!

My niece, Aedia, turned FOUR YEARS OLD yesterday. Meanwhile, I haven't aged a day...
Time does fly.
 The birthday girl with one of her amazing grandpas. 
Lucky girl had all her grandparents there!
As you can see she is wearing her "Christmas dress" even though it's her birthday.
(her words)
 Aedia was very good about reading all the cards before opening each gift.
But she was very serious about getting those gifts open when it came to it.
Georgina was also very helpful through the whole process. She believes in efficiet gift-unwrapping and will lend a hand where she sees fit.
  Katie made delicious cake! Or trifle. yummy yummy. 
It was oreo and strawberry at Aedia's request. Girl has great tastes.
Can't talk. Eating cake. 
This was the only moment of silence all evening.

And here's a little video of the evening.

You're growing up so fast and so beautifully.

Saturday, 9 November 2013


This past week I have been holding onto a secret because I wanted to first announce it when I finally had video evidence to corroborate. And I  finally do!
WOOOOOO!!! Great job Miriam! (for finally doing it while the camera was on). I am one proud mommy. My excitement in the video is more for the fact I caught it on film but it is still so amazing and exciting to see her taking her first steps again and again.
Before this video there were just a bunch of videos of me groaning in disappointment...
Next time you see Miriam she'll be walking like a champ! Uh oh, does this mean I now have TWO toddlers????

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Tot Romp

This morning Dave apparently gave Georgina pure sugar for breakfast because she was running around the house in circles just screaming (I'm not positive he did but she was exceptional today). I packed up the girls and brought them to tot romp, an indoor playground organised at the community centre for daily drop ins, in the hopes of burning off all that energy. We met up with Georgina's good friend Jackson and his little brother Oliver.

Miriam drove around
 While G did some climbing
Miriam scooted
While G worked on her balance beam skills. Look at that form!
Miriam played with Oliver
And Georgina played with Jackson
The parachute was the highlight.

Both girls fell asleep as soon as we got home so I would say it was a success! That or G was crashing from her sugar high. Here's a video summery of the day.

**You can click on the video to enlarge it if you would like.

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Georgina Dancing

Since she was a baby Georgina has loved music. She would only fall asleep if Dave sang to her for an hour until she was a year and a half. She would only tolerate a car ride if someone was singing Wheels on the Bus nonstop. And still now, if we're having a bad day, turning on some music turns the  whole day around. Check out her moves she's been honing since the day she was born.