Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Snow and Celebration

We celebrated Miriam's first birthday yesterday. I miss baby Miriam already. But she's such a sweet and fun little girl I can't complain. 
We had three birthday cakes because I had posted pictures of my failed attempt and two of my friends took pitty on me and delivered cakes!
At one point both girls got stuck under a chair. 
And they played really well while waiting for the party guests to arrive. 
It was a lot of fun!!!!
Miriam really wanted this giraffe for her birthday present but couldn't carry it out of the toy store.

It snowed here this week and it's been beautiful. Georgina got to play in the snow with Gigi today and with her friends at school on Monday. And on our little walk today we found a snowman!
G and Gigi in my parents backyard. 
After playing outside for a bit with Gigi Georgina was pretty cold and I found her snuggled up with Handsome. 
She absolutely loves him. He was purring away so I don't think he minds too much. 
Marlo St James Photography
While we did get outside today we have spent a lot of time this week just looking outside, taking it all in. It's been a lovely week.

**special thanks to my friend Marlo for taking the bottom photo of Miriam and me. More to come from her soon.